Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I just want to start this post off by saying, you moms that work..GREAT JOB! Especially those that have more than 1 kid! I have been back to work for about a month and a half now  and it has been such a whirlwind. I seriously have so much respect for working moms. There seriously is no time for yourself. Shoot, shaving my legs once a week is a luxury now :)On rare occasions, there are moments when you are alone, and you tend to savor every one of them and truly appreciate them. 

The first 2 weeks back to work were the hardest. I spent the first week just trying to remember how to use my adult brain again and not talk in baby talk to coworkers and just show pictures of Madison. I actually rarely show her off at work because I don't want to be that person AND lets be honest, I am the queen of baby posts on facebook :). I called daycare 3x a day every day. By the end of that first full week, they actually told me that they are really good about calling parents if something happens or seems off (hint taken). The second week was tough but easier. I made it a goal to not call more than 1 time a day to check in :) I am fully transitioned now and only call daycare on days where Madison may have had a rough night.  Madison LOVES her teachers and I know she is learning so much by just watching the older babies. I miss her every day and it sucks dropping her off but the look on her face when I pick her up is THE BEST and is the highlight of my day! Honestly, sometimes it is nice that I am not spending my day changing diapers and talking to a baby but come Friday  all I want to do is snuggle her. If we could all just have 4 day work weeks that would be perfect! :P

Working with a baby and still nursing has forced me to become really good at multitasking and great at prioritizing my time and being efficient. I thought I was good at those things before but this is a whole new game. Monday-Friday is very structured for me. That sounds impossible with a baby but it is pretty routine. A sample of my day looks like this:
5:15-Wakeup to pump/Get ready for work
6:30-Wake Maddy up and get her ready for the day
6:45-Eat breakfast/feed Maddy  (my favorite part of the morning since we can snuggle)
7:15-Leave for daycare
7:30-Feed Maddy one more time in the car to prolong that first bottle
8:15-8:30 Hopefully at work by now unless traffic sucks
9:30-Pump at work (Amazon has a great mom room on my floor and I can work and pump at the same time. SUPER CONVENIENT)
12:30 Pump at work again
4:00 Pump 1 more time if I can
5-5:15-Leave work and pump on way to daycare (yes I pump in the car)
5:45-Pick Maddy up and feed her
6:30-Workout (3 times a week anyway) while Maddy watches us in her bouncer or rides in her bob stroller if we run and it is nice out
7:00-Shower and lay clothes out for next day
7:30-Play with Maddy for awhile/eat dinner
8:00-Nurse Maddy and put her to bed
8:30-Prep bottles for next day, pump, work, MAYBE watch some tv  or read
10:00 Bed

Very hectic and let me just tell you-the stress that goes into pumping is insane. I am constantly stressing if I am pumping enough. I get excited if I pick her up and she hasn't used her "extra" bottle for the day and am honestly sad when she uses it. But pumping and milk supply is a whole other post. As crazy as my schedule feels,  I know people who would think this schedule is super easy compared to theirs with 2 or more kids! I am very blessed in that most nights she sleeps fairly well. There are a few nights a week (like last night) where she is up every 1 1/2 hours from 11PM on. This equals VERY little sleep for me since her dad doesn't usually hear her (men sleep like rocksl!). I try not to complain because every night isn't like that and I know for some parents that is the norm but still, I get tired! I definitely have my moments during the week when I am just plain tired, grumpy, and stressed and start to sulk about how crazy my schedule is. I start making excuses like "Ya I could workout everyday like so and so if I didn't have a baby too" OR "If I had family around to help watch Maddy I could do X too". BUT to be honest, as hectic as my life is, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I signed up for this. I am ready for this. I honestly think it has made me a more efficient worker during working hours because I want to minimize working at night. I go to bed feeling somewhat accomplished and when I wake up early to pump I think about why I do it. My world revolves around Madison and she is growing so fast that I am actually cherishing the nights she needs me to hold her all night because I know they will be gone one day (everyone tells me :P). I hate it in the moment when I am sleep deprived and tired but I am secretly happy that I get another night to do it. I actually hope I have a lot more where she just wants to snuggle! My favorite part is smelling her sweet scent and having her little baby hairs tickle my nose while her head is on my shoulder and her arms around my kinked neck or clutching my finger or softly rubbing my face with her little baby hands.
I do it all for her-that beautiful little girl. Taking care of her is my purpose in life and I would do anything in the world for her. I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life and that is because the light in her eyes makes my world brighter.