Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Beginnings

I know this is a week late, but better late than never! I love New Year's. I always wake up New Year's Day refreshed and motivated. I am one of the many who writes down lists of new year resolutions...goals that I wish to accomplish over the next year. Do I accomplish everything on my list? No, I never complete everything on my list. But, I still try.  One of my biggest goals in 2013 was that Cody and I had a number we wanted to see in our savings account and I am proud to say that we reached it. That was definitely the biggest goal we had last year and it feels great to accomplish it. 

This year, as always, I have a new list. It is quite the list but I am determined to complete it. The one thing I am doing differently this year, is that I am going to set markers along the way to make sure I am on track and put a plan in place to help move the goals along. A few of my goals are below:

No Gluten
Limited Dairy (1-2xper month) unless meal shake or protein
Focus on cheat MEALS not cheat DAYS

The health goals will be tough but I will feel better overall. I feel like crap when I eat dairy and gluten. I don't want to commit myself to 100% because I don't want to set myself up for failure and some occasions may come up where I want to have a little bit, but the key is to keep those moments few and far between. I already eliminated them about 90% of the time so I don't think it should be TOO hard. Cheese is the biggest part of dairy that I will miss so that will likely be my 1x per month

5-3-1 Wendler Program for Upper Body
Get HSPU and Bar Muscle Up
210# Front Squat
230# Back Squat
125# snatch
160# Clean and Jerk

I am going to commit to 2 strength days a week to accomplish these goals. In June I will reassess and if I am really close or if I have met these goals, I may increase the weight on this.

Volunteer 1x per month
Church every weekend we are home/do not have plans during that time
Read 10 Books
More organized with clothes/bathroom

Church is the biggest challenge for me. Our church got rid of Saturday night service and Cody and I have a hard time getting up to go to church on Sundays...we love being lazy on Sundays! I am going to start out with 2 times a month and then hopefully improve. I listen to Joel Osteen's sermons a few times a week to make up for not going but going or listening together will be awesome for us. God is something Cody and I want to focus on more as a couple this year. We were doing really well and then got caught with our busy schedules and noticed ourselves getting more distant from church. Whether it is church or praying together, we are definitely putting more focus on this as a couple this year.  

As far reading goes, I am in the middle of reading 2 different books and am putting together my list for the year. I love reading. It is so relaxing and allows me to shutoff from my busy life.

Well, that is a hefty list and I am excited to see what I can accomplish off it. I think this is going to be a GREAT year for Cody and I and we are kicking it off with a bang by going to Mexico in 1 week for a much needed break from our busy lives!


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