Monday, July 26, 2010

What Summer?

It has been awhile since my last post but we have been SOOO busy! I can't believe it is almost August already! So much has happened in such a short amount of time! For starters, Cody got offered Full-Time from his contract position at Amazon. He has been working like a crazy person and I am so proud of him! We started looking at condo's and houses at the beginning of the summer and put an offer in on a townhome in Bothell...that in itself took up A TON of time..with meeting with the realtor, lendor, etc..very stressful that is for sure! We are HOPING to close this week. We were supposed to close last week but because Cody changed job codes with Amazon (contract to full-time) he didn't have 30 days worth of pay stubs in the same category. He hits his 30 days this week and we REALLY want to get in there and start painting! I am definitely excited to make it our own but I know I will have to be patient and not do everything at once! This will take up most of our time in August as well I am sure!!

Work has been crazy busy for me and I have been putting in some overtime (which has been nice but tiring) which means we don't get home till between 7:30-8 at night..I mostly feel bad for Mia about this. Poor girl is inside all by herself all day. I come home, take her out, play with her for a little bit and then pretty soon it is time for bed again! I am trying to get her outside as much as I can on the weekends!

Even though we have been busy, we have managed to find some time to see family and relax (a tiny bit). We went to the Oregon Coast with my mom's side of the family 2 weekends ago..they were there the whole week but we went Friday night and left Sunday morning. Even though it was a quick trip, it was great seeing everyone! Cody's parents even went up so we were able to see both sides! Then, this past weekend my mom and Steve came over unexpected due to an accident that happened with Chris at work. He is going to be fine thank God but it did allow me to spend a whole Saturday relaxing with my mom. We didn't do much, just layed by the pool and then went to dinner but it was great seeing her! It was nice being able to catch up since we didn't really have much time for that at the coast.

The rest of the summer will be very busy..on the agenda:
-Closing on the house
-Hopefully plan a weekend home to Tri-Cities to see everyone...especially little Levi
-Visit from my dad...still working on figuring out when a good time is
-MAYBE Vegas at the end of September once things settle down!

As busy as we are, I really am loving every minute of it. I can't believe I actually look forward to going to Lowes and Home Depot. I love being busy and just wish we could see family more...but hopefully that changes when things slow down!

Now, back to work...